GSoC: End of the project
Hi there!👋 This is the last week of coding for the Google Summer of Code project. 😞 During all this time, I have learned to work with the rpmlint environment and many aspects that I did not know before. What I have done... 🙋 Below, I will summarize a little bit of the work done during this time. During the first few weeks dedicated to the Google Summer of Code project, I've been familiarizing myself with the rpmlint environment. I learned about all the different tests in rpmlint, contacting the codebase to get a better understanding of the whole project. Once the coding period began, I started replacing the existing binary rpm in the tests with FakePkg, previously finding the smallest or easiest to replace packages to begin with. Once the simpler tests were replaced, I continued with the replacement of more complex tests, with a deep understanding of rpm packages and the current test in rpmlint. At the same time as replacing the binaries, I refactored the te...